How to Change Child Grant to Bank Account

How to Change Child Grant to Bank Account | All info here

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How to Change Child Grant to Bank Account | All info here

Sassa beneficiaries who wish to receive their social grant directly to their bank account may do so by completing a bank Sassa bank form and submit to Sassa. Read more to understand in details how to change child grant pay to bank account or any of the Sassa social grants.

Worth to note

Note that this Sassa consent form cannot be submitted via an online platform. The form needs to be completed by the beneficiary and the bank he/she has chosen and once completed returned to the SASSA office.

Steps to follow to change Sassa payment to bank account:

Step 1: Go to the Sassa Website

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Step 2: Download the Sassa Bank Form

Step 3: Print out the form.

Step 4: Take the form to your bank to be completed and stamped.

Step 5: Take the form to a SASSA local office to be captured and processed

That’s all you have to do. Sassa will then capture your form and process it. They will then deposit the social grant money directly into the bank account after verifications.

Why you have to submit the form yourself?

It is important to note that you as the beneficiary must submit the form to your local SASSA office because the agency will need to take some fingerprints to confirm your request to change method of payment and bank details.

Where to find the Sassa Bank Change Form?

You may download the bank form here or obtain it from any of the Sassa local offices.

Where to submit the form?

You have to submit the form to your local Sassa office personally. You can’t submit it online as Sassa will have to do some verification such as fingerprints as stated above.

Have you received your November Sassa Payment?

Sassa Advices you to call Post Bank if grant not received.

Discussion time

Why do you want to change social grant payment to bank account? Let us know on the comment section below.

READ THIS AS WELL  Skip the Queue | Apply for Social Grants Online

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